EU Techbridge
Are you a North American organisation looking for innovative solutions for energy and/or water-related challenges? Are you a European SME that operates to find innovative solutions related to sustainability issues in the water and energy sectors?
The EU Techbridge project matches innovative European SMEs with North American based end-users/corporate buyers which are looking for innovative water and energy solutions. By setting up an intensive matchmaking programme (virtual and physical), concrete challenges from North American corporate buyers will be matched with innovative solutions from European SMEs.
One of the main goals of the project is to organise 5 match-making missions from Europe to Canada and the United States.
Before the start of each mission, the project partners will specify the technology needs with the North American challenge owners through a series of webinars. After that, European SMEs will be invited to apply and present their solutions. The selected SMEs will participate to a first phase of virtual matchmaking, which will be followed by the physical mission. The first mission is scheduled for Spring of 2021.
EU Techbridge allows European SME to:
Be informed about the state of the art of innovation in the water and energy fields of United States and Canada
Stay updated on emerging business opportunities in the North American market
Hear the technology needs directly from influential North American challenge owners
Get in touch with potential Canadian and US partners to present their innovative solution
The project is of interest for North American challenge owners because they can:
Have access to state of the art water and energy innovations from Europe
Get the right partner and solution for your water and/or energy need
Choose from a large pool of SMEs from across Europe
Don’t have to travel to Europe to meet the most innovative SMEs